Young Adults
EHRS Young Adults
Our Young Adults Programme continues with our monthly learning opportunity.
Activities are mostly on Zoom with the occasional in person meet up.

Join our monthly Cookalongs where we create delicious treats together with all different types of foods. Occurs on Zoom with the occasional in person meet up.
These cookalongs are open to all.
Wednesday 12 March at 19:30
This month we will meet in person in the EHRS kitchen and make delicious flavoured Vodka for Purim.
Booking is essential and places will be limited. Book your space at

Beer & Shiur
Join our monthly Young Adults opportunity to learn together at our Beer and Shiur, occurs on Zoom with the occasional in person meet up.
Please email to be added to the regular young adults updates.
Social Communication Group for Young Adults with Autism
EHRS Members are invited to join a weekly group for Autistic Young Adults (ages 19-24) with a focus on developing communication skills related to friendships, the workplace and romantic relationships.
It is run by a neuro inclusion specialist teacher, mentor and assessor with extensive experience supporting autistic children, adolescents and young adults in education, into and in working environments.
For more info, please email EHRS member Jon Gold,
Join In
We have so many wonderful events, groups, and services on offer for the whole community, including our incredible Together Groups which bring people with similar interests together and help build relationships.
From birth to age 100+, we have something on offer for you.
So please roam our website and jump on in!