Volunteer with Us

Be part of your Community

Volunteers help us make a difference.

We often have volunteering opportunities at EHRS which can include, helping with events and activities, assisting with our magazine packing, baking for festivals, and more.

Please see our volunteering opportunities below.

Volunteer at the EHRS Holocaust Memorial Day School Event

We are looking for members to volunteer at the Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) school event on Monday 13 January when we host over 200 students from a local school.

We are honoured to have Eva Clarke speak to the pupils once more. Her experience of being born during the war is very moving and sobering.

If you would like to be a table facilitator and help to lead a workshop to a group of students, or volunteer in another role on the day, we are holding training sessions at EHRS on Wednesday 4th December from 12:00-13:30 with lunch or Thursday 5th December from 19:00 -21:30 with supper. However you can help us we will be very grateful.

Please join us in this enriching experience for the pupils, their teachers and the volunteers. Contact Marian Cohen by email education@ehrs.uk or by telephone on 020 8238 1014 to register your interest or for any other questions you may have.

Help keep your community safe

Volunteers are required to support the Security Team Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Our team leaders are trained to keep you safe and explain what we need you to do when you volunteer.

Full details to be given upon receipt of contact to Josh K. via email security@ehrs.uk


Shabbat Stay & Play Volunteers

Can you help at our cutest group?

Can you spare a couple of hours on a Friday morning (term time only) to help with our cutest group at EHRS?

I am looking for volunteers  for our busy and vibrant baby and toddler group. This would include helping to set up toys and activities, befriending parents, helping families access our sensory room and supporting our Kiddush. This will be a rewarding and active voluntary role, where you will be at the heart of welcoming and supporting our families and youngest members enjoy EHRS and Jewish life.

If you are interested in finding out more, please get in touch. Youngfamilies@ehrs.uk|020 8238 1025

Thanking you in advance.
Sarah Koster, Young Families Lead

Uniformed Groups - Section Assistant

Uniformed Groups - Fundraiser

Uniformed Groups - Social Media

Please click here to register your interest.