Sukkot & Simchat Torah

Sukkot gives us a brilliant opportunity as a community to get together outdoors. The Sukkah we build together creates a beautiful space for our community, and to appreciate the harvest of the world. This year we are delighted that Sukkot is taking place in our new EHRS courtyard which will be completed in time for the festival. Please bring fruit, vegetables, flowers & greenery from Sunday 13 October (08:30-17:30) and then onwards until Wednesday.
Erev Sukkot – Wednesday 16 October
Sukkot – Thursday 17 October
Sunday 13 October
Sukkah Building, 10:00-12:30
Our Sukkah this year is going to be on the theme of repairing the Jewish community and we will be asking communities around the world to send us their photos so that they can be the Ushpizin (guests) that we welcome into our special festival structure. Our aim is to make it a place that the holy guests and our own guests love to be! Come anytime during the morning and join us to help build the Sukkah itself (please bring some vegetation or fruit/veg to hang in the Sukkah). Fun for all ages.
Erev Sukkot – Wednesday 16 October
Pre Sukkot Tea Party & Sukkah decorating, 16:30-18:30
Come to all or part of the event and join our EHRS Sukkah decorating before our evening service. We will add the finishing touches to our Sukkah and add to the experience with decorations.
Erev Sukkot Service, 18:30-19:30
finishing with Kiddush in the Sukkah.
Sukkot – Thursday 17 October
Sukkot Shiur: Nothing New Under the Sun, 09:15-10:15
Jonathan Bergwerk returns to EHRS to teach about the Megillah for Sukkot, Kohelet or Ecclesiastes. Hosted by Rabbi Mark. In person or Zoom.
Morning Service, 10:30-12:30
Led by EHRS Emeritus Rabbi Danny Smith and our Clergy. Finishing with Kiddush in the Sukkah.
Family Sukkot Club, 11:00-12:30
Bring a friend to shake the Lulav, experience the Sukkah, and the joy of the festival of Sukkot with our Clergy. Finishing with Kiddush in the Sukkah.
Sukkot Activities
Friday 18 October
Kuddle Up Sukkot, 16:15-16:45
Come and join our Clergy in the Sukkah for songs, stories about this beautiful festival and the chance to wave the Lulav, especially for our youngest children and their parents and carers. You are welcome to arrive and play from 15:45. Please click here to book.
Friday 18 October 18:30 & Saturday 19 October, 10:30
Chol Ha Mo’ed Sukkot Shabbat Services
Our Shabbat services on this weekend will end with Kiddush in the Sukkah. The service on Saturday morning will include the Hallel and waving of the Lulav for all.
Saturday 19 October
Teen Schmooze in the Sukkah, 10:30-11:30
For everyone in school years 7 upwards. It’s a Shabbat schmooze especially for you with Rabbi Mark in the Sukkah – talk, music and prayer together focussing on the Sukkah itself.
Monday 21 October
EHRS’s Open Sukkah, 16:30-17:30
Come and join Cantor Tamara for a cup of tea & a wave of the Lulav in our Sukkah.
Tuesday 22 October
Bring your Baby to the Sukkah, 12:00
After Sing & Sensory, come on down to the Sukkah to join our Clergy who will give your baby their first sensory experience of Sukkot!
Fruits of the World, Cheese & Wine Tasting, 20:00-21:00
Sample fruits you may never have tasted and wines and cheeses with a history and special provenance with Rabbi Mark, as we come towards the end of our celebration of Sukkot.

This is our festival where we celebrate with simchah (joy) the end of our cycle of Torah reading at the end of Deuteronomy and begin the Torah at Genesis again. Because of the terrible events of Simchat Torah last year in Israel, there will be some alterations to the way in which the services take place, as a mark of respect to those who were murdered and kidnapped by Hamas, and to all that has happened since. But, as Simchat Torah has been celebrated through centuries of Jewish history, we will continue to celebrate the gift of Torah and the values it represents. In the words of the Nova Festival survivors, “We will dance again.’’
Each of our services will begin with Yizkor (memorial prayers), then we will participate in the spirit enhancing joyful service of Simchat Torah including the Hakkafah (processions and dancing). We will end each service with another moment of Yizkor. If you would prefer not to participate in the Hakkafah then one of our Clergy will be creating a meditative space to be together in the Beit Midrash during that time in the service.
We are delighted this year to be honouring our Kallat Torah Sharon Garson, Chatan Torah Michael Weinstein, Kallat Bereshit Sue Casale, Chatan Bereshit Kito Holz and Youth Kallot Bereshit Charlotte Meyers, Tammy Gilmore and Zoe Kesel.
Erev Simchat Torah – Wednesday 23 October
Simchat Torah – Thursday 24 October
Erev Simchat Torah – Wednesday 23 October
Simchat Torah Procession Preparation Party, 18:00
Join our Clergy and educators to get your flags, banners and dances ready for our Simchat Torah Hakkafah (procession) in the service that begins at 18:30, with a special tea for the festival. For all young people.
Erev Simchat Torah Service, 18:30-19:30
Beginning with Yizkor (memorial prayers) and including the Hakkafot where we dance with our Sifrei Torah. There will be a meditative space in the Beit Midrash for those who choose an alternative to the Hakkafot.
Simchat Torah – Thursday 24 October
Toratastic Family Service, 10:30-12:45
Our family experience on Simchat Torah with our Clergy begins with your opportunity to help us to celebrate and get our banners and flags ready for the Hakkafot where we dance with our Sifrei Torah.
Simchat Torah Morning Service, 10:30-12:45
Beginning and ending with Yizkor (memorial prayers), this is our service where we finish reading the Torah at the end of Deuteronomy and start again in Genesis, with the help of our Chatanim and Kallot Torah and Bereshit and including the Hakkafot where we dance with our Sifrei Torah. There will be a meditative space in the Beit Midrash for those who choose an alternative to the Hakkafot.