Mental Health & Wellbeing

Let's Talk

Let’s Talk – An EHRS Mental Health Initiative

The EHRS Adult Wellbeing Support Group started in 2023 and provides a safe space to talk about feelings and experiences or find comfort in listening and supporting others.  We have an understanding that this is not a therapy group – it is a regular confidential facilitated space offering containment, shared support and conversation.  We welcome new participants by referral.  Please contact Val Joseph.

If you need help with more specific advice and support please contact us at
If you would like to speak to a mental health trained volunteer on a confidential 1:1 basis, please contact us at


Past Events:

Let’s Talk Eating Disorders
Have you or someone you care about been affected by an Eating Disorder? The EHRS Let’s Talk Mental Health initiative in conjunction with Beat, the UK’s Eating Disorder Charity held an online talk on 2 February 2022. To watch the recording please click here.  If you would like to join the Eating Disorder support group, click here to sign up.

‘Let’s Talk Mental Health and Social Media’
EHRS held an online forum with mental health experts discussing the impact of social media on mental health. The expert panellists included mental health campaigner Jonny Benjamin MBE, Ian Russell of the Mollie Rose Foundation, Louisa Rose CEO of Beyond and a young person concerned that her peers do not seem to understand the impact of using social media in a negative way. Addressing a number of issues regarding the negative use of social media on mental health, the panel discussed how we can educate, support and protect ourselves and our young people with their online activity and suggested steps and tips that can be taken to do this. This zoom event was organised by the EHRS Let’s Talk mental health working group and received positive feedback with participants asking for more events like this, especially with a focus on a young person’s only event and how to achieve better male participation. To listen to the recording please click here.

SEND Parents Support Group

For parents/carers of children with additional support needs and/or disabilities that affect life at home and/or in school. A safe space where you can meet other parents in the community, share experiences, talk about challenges and strategies, and support each other.

This group occurs monthly and is facilitated by Miriam Saffer, a consultant in inclusion and special educational needs with more than 10 years’ experience in education and inclusion across primary, secondary and further education settings.

Book through the EHRS calendar

SEND Grandparents Support Group

For grandparents of grand children with additional support needs and/or disabilities that affect life at home and/or in school. A safe space where you can meet other grandparents in the community, share experiences, talk about challenges and strategies, and support each other.

This group will occur bi monthly and is facilitated by Michelle Pollard.

Book the next meeting on the 17 March here


Sleep is important to both our wellbeing and mental health. Lack of sleep can alter our mood scientifically causing irritability and anger and lessen our ability to cope with stress.

How does mental illness affect sleep? Mental illness affects sleep. Sleep problems are common among people suffering from depression, bipolar, anxiety and attention deficit disorders. Sleep and mood are directly related. If we get a good night’s sleep, we wake up happy. If we get too little sleep, we wake up irritable. (

The following websites give tips on how to get a better night’s sleep, include sleep in search box.

Original article written by Michael Benjamin in 2021, updated by Val Joseph in 2023.

Support Information, Groups and Forums

Provider of Mental Health service within the Jewish Community for both young people and adults
0208 458 223,

Online mental health services have help lines for both young people and adults

Let’s Talk about ED is EHRS’s mutual support group for parents coping with supporting their teen who is battling an eating disorder.   This is one of our synagogue Together Groups.  Click here to go to the page which features it and enables you to join.

Additional resources:
Beat Eating Disorder Charity click here
Beat Learning platform for carers click here
Beat Resources for carers  click here

Children’s and young people’s mental health charity, with a special link for parents
Free Telephone Line 0808 802 5544,

Shout is a 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks in the UK, for anyone in crisis.
It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help just text 85258 Shout is a 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks in the UK, for anyone in crisis.

There’s always somebody to talk to… Talking to someone could be the start of you feeling better. Just enter your post code and the web site will list all local services available

Campaign made by young people to tackle the stigma of youth loneliness.