Rabbi Neil Kraft z’l Torah Scroll
Commissioning a new Torah Scroll
Our dear Rabbi Neil Kraft z’l passed away from Covid-19 towards the end of March 2020.
The Synagogue Council agreed that it would like to commission a Torah Scroll in Rabbi Kraft’s name, as a lasting memorial to this much loved rabbi.
Celebration of the Torah Scroll in memory of Rabbi Neil Kraft z’l
Sunday 11 September 2022, 11:00
Over 260 people attended a Siyyum (celebration of a new Torah Scroll) at Edgware and Hendon Reform Synagogue (EHRS).
The Shul had commissioned the writing of this new Scroll in memory of Rabbi Neil Kraft z’l who died from Covid in March 2020. The cost of the Scroll had been paid for by members and also non -members of EHRS who felt that a specially written Torah Scroll was the perfect memorial for a wonderful and caring husband, father and rabbi who had served the community for over 17 years and was days away from retirement.
Laurence Stein, chair of the organising committee said ‘’It was incredible to see so many people at our Siyyum. As a mark of respect to the memory of our late Queen, we did not parade the new Scroll around the streets of Edgware as was initially planned but we were still able to celebrate within the Shul premises. It was so moving to see over 60 members of our community help Sofer, Marc Michaels complete the writing of the Scroll.”
Sharon Price, Siyyum coordinator added, “The Siyyum was a joyous occasion to celebrate the completion and enabled over 260 members of Edgware & Hendon Reform Synagogue to once again experience being at the heart of their community. “