High Holy Days 2024/5785

High Holy Days 2024/5785
Erev Rosh Hashanah – Wednesday 2 October
1st Day Rosh Hashanah – Thursday 3 October
2nd Day Rosh Hashanah – Friday 4 October
Kol Nidre – Friday 11 October, Fast begins 18:02
Yom Kippur – Saturday 12 October, Fast ends 19:01
Erev Sukkot – Wednesday 16 October
Sukkot – Thursday 17 October
Erev Simchat Torah – Wednesday 23 October
Simchat Torah – Thursday 24 October
For full details on Elul, Selichot, Rosh Hashanah, The Ten Days, and Yom Kippur please see below.
For full details on Sukkot and Simchat Torah please click here.
To view this year’s High Holy Day Booklet please click here.
Please click here for a High Holy Days message from Phil Rosenberg, President of the Board of Deputies.
Please click here for a High Holy Day article from CST.
Please click here for a High Holy Days message from Rabbi Kath Vardi, on behalf of Progressive Judaism.
Please click here for a recording of Rabbi Mark’s introduction to our new Machzor (High Holy Days prayerbook)
Honey Cake Bake & Delivery to our members
The High Holy Days are nearly here and we need your help with Community Care’s
annual Honey Cake Bake and Delivery.
Please let us know at communitycare@ehrs.uk by Monday 16 September if you are able to bake a nut free honey cake or two to be distributed to our more isolated and vulnerable members this Rosh Hashanah. Your cakes must be wrapped in either cling film or tin foil, with a list of ingredients attached and they need to be delivered to EHRS during office hours from Monday 23 – Wednesday 25 September. Cakes will then be collected by volunteers between 10:00-12:00 on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 September for delivery before Rosh Hashanah which commences on the evening of Wednesday 2 October. If these times/dates are not convenient, please contact us to arrange an alternative, if this is possible. Alternatively, you can deliver your cakes directly to members, just let us know if you want to do this. If you do not bake but want to do something, then please consider buying a couple of honey cakes for distribution, this little act of kindness will mean so much to the recipient.
We also need volunteers of all ages to deliver the cakes within the community,
please contact us at communitycare@ehrs.uk if you wish to be involved.
Tickets for High Holy Days 2024 at EHRS
EHRS Member Tickets
We are looking forward to a wonderful and meaningful Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur this year. Every member of the Synagogue is entitled, of course, to a ticket and so this year we will mail you your ticket in August together with our High Holy Day Booklet telling you everything that is happening. There is no need to apply for tickets.
Non-Member Visitor or Reciprocal Tickets
If you are a member of a Synagogue affiliated to Reform Judaism you can receive a reciprocal ticket(s) at no cost. Once you have applied we will check with your membership with your Synagogue. If you are not a member of a Synagogue affiliated to Reform Judaism you will need to pay for your ticket(s) as a non-member visitor, adults £70, over 65’s £40, under 21 free.
Please click here for the HHD Ticket Application Form.
If you are a non member visitor, the cost of your ticket to join us will be refunded in full if you choose to join EHRS in the coming year. If you would like to know more please contact us at admin@ehrs.uk. We would love to welcome you to our community.
Children’s Service Tickets for Non-Member Families
We welcome your family to join us at EHRS for our wonderful children’s services over the High Holy Days. We kindly ask for a small donation of £25 per family for a ticket that will enable attendance at any of the children’s services over Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot & Simchat Torah.
Please click here to fill in the application.
Students & Young Adults
Reform Judaism is delighted to once again launch the Progressive Judaism High Holy Days Ticket Scheme for Young Adults. This allows any young person, aged 18 to 26, to attend Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services free of charge at any Reform or Liberal community of their choice. Covering 80 congregations, and locations across the whole of the UK, the scheme provides more opportunities than ever for young adults to find Progressively-led services near them on the High Holy Days – whether they are at home, with family, travelling or at university.
To apply for the scheme, please click here. To ensure you receive your ticket in time for Rosh Hashanah, please complete the form by Friday 20 September.
High Holy Day Appeal 2024/5785
The giving of charity is part of the High Holy Day experience along with prayer and repentance. Each year, our Tzedakah Group made up of people from the community, meets and chooses charities to support for the High Holy Day Appeal which they believe will speak to all interests in the community, in the wider neighbourhood, and in Israel.
We had 20 charities to consider. The charities were divided into 3 categories: – Tikkun Atzmi, Tikkun Ami & Tikkun Olam
The group recommends the following 9 charities for the coming appeal:
Tikkun Atzmi – the repair & improvement of ourselves & our local community
EHRS Community Needs Fund
Citizens Advice Barnet
Jewish Deaf Association
Tikkun Ami – the support of Jews both in the UK and abroad
Jewish Women’s Aid
Leket UK
Tikkun Olam – helping to repair the wider world
World Jewish Relief
The Israel Movement for Reform & Progressive Judaism
The British Friends of Migdal Ohr
Friends of Leo Baeck, Haifa
To read more about these charities please click here, and to make your donation please click here
Elul 2024
Elul is our month of preparation to get us ready for the spiritual work of the High Holy Days. Our Machzor, Seder HaTefillot, includes daily readings to help keep you on the spiritual journey (Rosh Hashanah volume pp15-36)
Sunday Morning Craftalong
Sunday 1 September, 10:30
Stone Painting for Elul. As we traditionally take time in Elul (the month prior to Rosh Hashanah) to visit our loved ones graves, Rabbi Debbie will explore the tradition of placing stones on graves and help us make it personal.
Elul Shabbat Shirah Friday Night Service & Dinner
Friday 6 September, 18:30-21:00
Please join our Shirah Band & Rabbi Tanya to begin the Elul season. We will kvel (feel happy & proud) on our achievements, reflect on our losses and prepare ourselves for a meaningful and hopeful new beginning. You are welcome to stay after the service for a bring & share dinner, during which we will hear all about the EHRS trip to Poland from which a group of EHRS members just returned. If you will be joining us for dinner please click here to book.
‘Kol Echad’ Jewish Music Circle
Saturday 7 September, 9:15-10:15
We are excited to launch once-monthly Kol Echad music workshops which will take place just before our Shabbat morning service, led by Cantor Tamara. These gatherings will be a chance to sit together in an informal way, sing our favourite Jewish liturgical melodies, and learn one or two new tunes as well. You don’t need to be an experienced singer or know how to sightread; if you love music and the melodies of our Shabbat services, then please do come along! All are welcome to warm up our voices and souls together.The launch of the Kol Echad music workshops on 7 September will include music of Shabbat as well as melodies to prepare us for the month of Elul and the upcoming High Holy Days. Please feel free to contact Cantor Tamara with any questions at cantor.tamara@ehrs.uk
Into the Woods – Elul Village Experience
Sunday 15 September, 15:00-17:00 (offsite)
Sarah Koster and Rabbi Mark look forward to leading you into the Stanmore woods to build a village together in a clearing in the forest. This is perfect for outdoorsy families with nursery and primary school children. It includes songs, stories, building shelters and the sound of the shofar! To find out the location and join us for the experience please click here to book.
EHRS Elul Business Breakfast with Jeremy Brier KC
Wednesday 25 September, 08:30-10:00 (offsite)
*please note change of date to previously advertised*
We are guests of EHRS member Paul Herman of Bluebox Corporate Finance in Marylebone. Our speaker will be EHRS member Jeremy Brier KC, a barrister who specialises in cases concerning complex commercial litigation, banking, insurance and fraud. Jeremy will share with us and ask us to discuss the ethics of some tricky cases in his work. We can also enjoy networking with each other over coffee and Danish. Hosted by Rabbi Mark. Please click here to book and receive the full location details.
Cookalong, 19:00
Honey Cake: Join Rabbi Debbie and Bonnie Lemer in the Synagogue kitchen for our annual Honey Cake bake (this year with an apple and honey cake!) for the congregation to enjoy on Rosh Hashanah. As places are limited, booking is required, click here.
Kuddle Up Tishri
Friday 20 September, 16:15-16:45
Come and join our Clergy in the Synagogue for songs, stories about this month of festivals and the chance to blow the Shofar, especially for our youngest children and their parents & carers. You are welcome to arrive and play from 15:45. Please click here to book.

Selichot 2024
Selichot Choral Service & Film
Saturday 28 September, 20:00-00:15
Selichot is a beautiful way to bring yourself towards the High Holy Days and to enhance their spiritual impact. We come together on a Saturday evening to hear for the first time the sound of the High Holy Days and the poems which search our souls. Led by Cantor Tamara and the EHRS Choir with our Rabbis.
We will start the evening joining with Reform Jewish communities around the world, in France, Israel and South Africa through video technology to build a feeling of Jewish solidarity as we come to the end of a very challenging year for Jews everywhere.
We continue with the film ‘The Jazz Singer’. This 1980 update of the 1927 Al Jolson original is a musical tear jerker starring Neil Diamond. Will Yussel Rabinovitz follow his dreams and become a singer & songwriter in America, or will he follow his father’s dreams for him and be a Cantor in the Synagogue?
After a break for refreshments, at 23:00 we will begin our beautiful choral service led by Cantor Tamara, our Rabbis, and featuring the EHRS Choir, and Cellist Sam Weinstein.

Memorial Services 2024
EHRS is arranging short collective Memorial Services led by our Clergy in the Prayer Halls at the following cemeteries, following which people can visit the graves of family and friends to say a prayer & Kaddish:
Sunday 8 September
Cheshunt Western (10:00)
Cheshunt Woodlands (12:00)
Sunday 22 September
Southgate (11:00)
Sunday 29 September
Edgwarebury Lane (11:30)
We will also hold a service at EHRS (10:00) and on the Livestream Classic Channel for those whose relatives were cremated or who are buried elsewhere or who cannot attend in person.
Where Zoom is mentioned, please refer to your member’s hard copy of the HHD Brochure or email admin@ehrs.uk for details
Erev Rosh Hashanah Service, 18:30-19:40
We open with the service which brings us into the High Holy Days, led by all of our Clergy. Sermon given by Cantor Tamara. The service will begin with the inauguration of the new High Holy Days mantle for the Rabbi Neil Kraft z’’l Memorial Sefer Torah which has been crafted by Lana Young. Also Livestreamed on the Classic Channel.
An Awesome Day in a Terrible Year, 19:00-19:30
Join Rabbi Tanya on Zoom or in person in the Upper Synagogue to reflect on a year like no other, and have an opportunity to support one another as we look into the New Year.
Shacharit and Musaf (Additional) Service, 10:00-12:40
The full morning service which includes the reading of Torah, the story of Hagar and Ishmael, and Haftarah. Sermon given by Rabbi Debbie (Beit Tefillah) and Rabbi Tanya (Upper Synagogue), followed by the special service for Rosh Hashanah where we hear the haunting and inspiring sound of the Shofar and recognise the significance of the New Year. Also Livestreamed on the Classic Channel.
Rosh Hashanah Kiddush, 12:55-13:10
If you are at home come together as a community for Kiddush on Zoom. With one of our Clergy.
*Community Centre – Children & Young People*
Ages are a guideline only. Please feel welcome to attend the service that works best for your family.
Early Years Service, 9:30-10:15
This service is created for children aged 4-6 (Key Stage 1) and their families, led by Rabbi Mark. Enjoy apple and honey to taste the sweetness of the New Year and this active service with songs, stories and Shofar especially for you.
Stay & Schmooze and Youth Tashlich, 10:15-12:00
Following the Early Years Service, or on either side of the Primary Years and Chumash Babies services, we invite you to hang out with other families on the ground floor of the Community Centre. Cuppa and conversation for adults, and crafts for the children. Led by Marian Cohen, Sarah Koster and Jack Murphy. There will be the opportunity to perform Tashlich (symbolically throwing our sins on the waters) in the especially created Nagila River.
Chumash Babies, 10:30-11:00
Taking place in the Nagila Kindergarten, this is a special sensory Rosh Hashanah experience for our very youngest members aged 0-3 led by Sarah Koster.
Primary Years Service, 10:30-11:30
Our interactive family service for anyone aged 7-11 (Key Stage 2) and their families, led by Rabbi Mark. With our up close Torah reading using EHRS’s own TorahCam and great music featuring the EHRS Shirah Band. If you would like to join the band please email rabbi.mark@ehrs.uk
Secondary School Years Youth Service, 11:45-12:45
Especially for people aged 11+ and their families, Rabbi Mark leads our service that gives the New Year meaning as you step forward on your journey through life, with the EHRS Shirah Band.

Tashlich in the Park 2024
Tashlich in the Park
Thursday 3 October, 17:00-17:30
Our Clergy are leading outdoors events in three local parks on Rosh Hashanah and you are warmly invited to come and join us for a beautiful feeling of community. Tashlich is the ceremony of throwing bread on the waters to represent washing our sins away on the first day of Rosh Hashanah. Please bring breadcrumbs or preferably duck food.
Locations are:
In Edgware with Rabbi Mark
In Borehamwood with Rabbi Debbie
In Hendon with Rabbi Tanya
Please see your member’s hard copy of the HHD Brochure for exact locations or email admin@ehrs.uk
Shacharit and Musaf Service, 10:00-12:15
The morning service in the Beit Tefillah includes the reading of Torah, the Akedah, with Abraham and Isaac, and Haftarah with the D’var Torah given by Rabbi Mark, continuing with the special service for Rosh Hashanah where we again hear the haunting and inspiring sound of the Shofar and build upon the significance of the New Year. Livestreamed on the Classic Channel.
Repair the Universe Youth Activities, 10:00-11:00
Join Rabbi Tanya in the EHRS Beit Midrash to repair the universe from the damage humanity has caused as we celebrate Rosh Hashanah, it’s traditional birthday. For young people aged 11+.
Repair the Universe Family Service, 10:00-11:00
On Rosh Hashanah we celebrate the creation of the world! Children up to the age of 10 and their families are warmly invited to join Rabbi Debbie and Marian Cohen as we go where no family service has gone before! Expect science, play, food and fun, and maybe a bit of prayer!
Bite of Apple & Honey Torah Study, 11:15-12:00
Rosh Hashanah is framed by the stories of Ishmael & Isaac. This year, join Rabbi Debbie and Sheikh Ali Abbas Razawi in the Upper Synagogue or on Zoom as we delve into how each of our traditions has approached the stories of our Rosh Hashanah Torah readings.

The Ten Days
The days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are opportunities for us to prepare ourselves for the extraordinary experience that is Yom Kippur. You can prepare cognitively, spiritually and physically through these experiences. Our Machzor, Seder HaTefillot, includes daily readings to help keep you on a journey of repentance (Rosh Hashanah volume pp397-401)
Erev Shabbat Shuvah
Friday 4 October, 18:30-19:30
Our intimate Friday night service helps you to rest from the week and to continue your High Holy Days journey. In person and Livestreamed on the Classic Channel.
Friday Night Lights for the Ten Days
Friday 4 October, 20:00-20:45
Join Rabbi Mark on Erev Shabbat Shuvah for a warm and friendly candle lighting and Shabbat songs on the theme of the journey between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, on Zoom or the EHRS Facebook page through Facebook Live.
The Journey To The Jewish Past in Poland Shiur
Saturday 5 October 09:15-10:15
Rabbi Tanya will take those who couldn’t join the EHRS Poland trip on a journey into some of the rich history of Polish Jewish life. Join in person or over Zoom. For Zoom details please email admin@ehrs.uk
Shabbat Shuvah Service
Saturday 5 October, 10:30
Our Classic service in the Beit Tefillah brings you together with the EHRS community in person or on the livestream, with special readings and a sermon to continue your High Holy Days experience.
Sunday Morning Craftalong
Sunday 6 October, 10:30
Soul Candles. Join Rabbi Debbie as we explore a tradition practiced in the Shtetls and reimagined over the last few decades, as we lovingly create bees wax candles to remember our loved ones with on Yom Kippur.
Reverse Taschlich with EcoJudaism & Repair the Sea
Sunday 6 October, 10:30-12:00 (offsite)
EHRS will go on this morning to help take the rubbish out of the water (rather than throwing bread into it!) at the Silk Stream in Watling Park, Burnt Oak. Our Clergy & the EHRS Environment Action Team invite all generations to join us to make a difference. To attend and receive the full details please email admin@ehrs.uk
Memorial Event for Israel
Sunday 6 October, 19:00-20:30
On this night before the first anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel, EHRS is holding a memorial event including testimony, prayer, poetry and song from Yoav Oved, and the opportunity to talk with each other on this momentous day. Please click here to book.
FRIDAY 11 OCTOBER – Fast Begins 18:02
Kol Nidre Service, 19:00-21:10
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, opens with the plaintive song Kol Nidre in this service that sets the tone for the day. Three Torah Scrolls represent our spiritual Beit Din at the opening of the service. Sermon given by Rabbi Mark. Our service in the Beit Tefillah (Sanctuary) will have no instrumental music whilst the parallel service in the Upper Synagogue will include two pieces played by Cellist Samuel Weinstein. Also Livestreamed on the Classic Channel.
I’m Not Religious, What am I Doing Here? 19:40-20:20
An opportunity to work with Rabbi Mark in the Beit Midrash, as we explore the meaning of being with the community on Yom Kippur, whether or not you consider yourself to be Jewishly religious. A safe space to discuss belief, doubt & commitment and the spiritual journey that we make in life.
Where Zoom is mentioned, please refer to your member’s hard copy of the HHD Brochure or email admin@ehrs.uk for details
Shacharit, 10:30-13:30
The morning service to take us on a journey of Teshuvah, Atonement, which includes the reading of Torah and Haftarah. This service takes place in the Beit Tefillah, with sermon by Rabbi Tanya and in the Upper Synagogue with sermon by Rabbi Debbie, and is Livestreamed on the Classic Channel.
Musaf, 13:45-15:20
Our Musaf service, in the Beit Tefillah only or on the Classic Channel, is the dramatic service in which we remember the Temple service for Yom Kippur. As part of recognising the development from this ritual, we consider the meaning of Kiddush HaShem (the sanctification of God’s name) in past times and today.
Minchah, 15:30-17:15
The Yom Kippur Afternoon service, in the Beit Tefillah only or on the Classic Channel, focuses around the reading of the Book of Jonah. Led by Rabbi Tanya.
Yizkor, 17:15-18:00
Our memorial service to remember our loved ones who are no longer with us including the reading of the names of those we have lost this year. Led by Rabbi Mark & Rabbi Tanya in the Beit Tefillah and Classic Channel with sermon given by Rabbi Mark. Also led by EHRS Emeritus Rabbi Steven Katz in the Upper Synagogue, sermon given by Rabbi Steven.
Neilah, 18:00-19:01
Our concluding service for Yom Kippur in the Beit Tefillah, as the Gates of Repentance draw to a close. Also Livestreamed on the Classic Channel.
Havdallah, 19:01-19:06
At the end of the Yom Kippur fast we all join together in the Beit Tefillah for the short concluding ceremony for Yom Kippur and the very first act of building our Sukkah.
Early Years Service, 09:30-10:15
Our interactive service in the Community Centre with songs and Shofar is created for children aged 4-6 (Key Stage 1) and their families, led by Rabbi Debbie.
Stay and Schmooze, 10:15-12:00
In the ground floor of the Community Centre, we invite you to hang out following the Early Years Service or before or after the Primary Years Service, for conversation for adults and craft for the children with Sarah Koster and Jack Murphy.
Chumash Babies 10:30-11:00
Taking place in the Nagila Kindergarten, this is a special sensory Yom Kippur experience for our very youngest members aged 0-3 led by Sarah Koster.
Primary Years Service, 10:30-11:30
Our family service in the Community Centre for anyone aged 7-11 (Key Stage 2) and their families, led by Rabbi Debbie.
Secondary School Years Youth Service, 11:45-12:45
Especially for people aged 11+ and their families, Rabbi Debbie will lead this musical Yom Kippur service with real life stories on the theme of forgiveness. In the Community Centre.
Yom Kippur Chill Zone, 12:30-17:15
Jack Murphy & Marian Cohen invite you to drop into the Yom Kippur Tent at any time in the afternoon for activities, craft and just being together. Some activities will take place in the Senitt Sensory Room in the Community Centre. All ages welcome.
Yizkor Space for Young People, 17:15-18:00
While the Yizkor services take place, we welcome our young people to join a chilled space created just for them. Choose a craft, or relaxation activity, while you reflect, rejuvenate and are together with Jack Murphy and Marian Cohen.
Neilah for Young People, 18:00-19:01
Bring Yom Kippur to an end with special time in our Senitt Sensory room finding meaning together at the end of a challenging year. Enjoy discussion and meditation with Jack & Marian. Following, we join Havdallah with the whole community at 19:01.
Poetry of Reconciliation, 12:00-12:45
This year one of our new Together Groups, Pimms and Poetry, will create a special Yom Kippur space to share poems of Transition and Change. They might be your own composition or a poem you’ve appreciated by someone else, or just join us to listen. Facilitated by Ewen Goldsobel, this is a space for sharing and appreciating together. In the Beit Midrash.
Neshamah Avodah, 13:45-14:30
Experience a meditative journey through the Yom Kippur Temple service using Yoga and Jewish meditation with Lisa Morris and Rabbi Tanya, taking place in the Upper Synagogue.
No Beer Still a Shiur, 14:35-15:25
Our regular Young Adults (18-40) study is transformed for Yom Kippur – the learning remains but the drinks are gone! Join Rabbi Debbie in person in the Upper Synagogue or on Zoom for an intimate reflection on the year gone by, the many challenges it has held, and what our tradition has to offer in coping mechanisms.
Yom Kippur Walk into the New Year, 14:35-15:25
Join Rabbi Tanya for a gentle local walk and chat to help us to experience the outdoors on this Day of Awe starting at the front door of the Synagogue.
Talmud Study Session, 15:30-16:15
Rabbi Mark will take you into the discussions of our Rabbis two thousand years ago discussing what they made of Yom Kippur. In the style of EHRS’s fortnightly popular Talmud Class. In person in the Upper Synagogue or on Zoom.
Yom Kippur Discussion 16:20-17:10
As our new Machzor has its first outing over these chaggim, join Rabbi Debbie to explore some of the new writings and pieces that have stood out for you. In person in the Upper Synagogue or on Zoom.
This Year I Am Remembering, 17:15-18:00
We apologise that the time shown in the booklet is incorrect. This service takes place the same time as our other Yizkors.
A special Yizkor service, led by Rabbi Debbie, in which we will pray and take time to remember those we have lost, whether in the last year or many decades ago. For those who attended our Soul Candles session this will be an opportunity to light your candle. In person in the Beit Midrash or on Zoom.
Meditative Neilah, 18:00-19:01
Join our Rabbis in the Upper Synagogue for an opportunity to experience the closing of the gates in a quiet space with prayer, poetry, Kabbalistic mystical text and Jewish meditation, enabling us to take the closing hour into our souls.
**Breaking the Fast Together, 19:06-19:36**
Would you like to break your Yom Kippur fast with some of your fellow members of the EHRS Community & Rabbi Tanya? Come to the Community Centre Lobby after Havdallah and enjoy a drink and a snack to break the fast together.