Who Jew You Think You Are?


Who Jew You Think You Are?
Tuesday 29 March, 19:30

Emeritus Rabbi Steven Katz will be in conversation with Laurence Stein about his origins, his ancestry, why he chose to become a rabbi, his legendary sporting prowess and so much more. Rabbi Katz is renowned for his sense of humour, and this evening guarantees to be both informative and entertaining.

Rabbi Katz was ordained by his father, Rabbi Dr. Arthur Katz, at a Leo Baeck College ceremony at the Liberal Jewish Synagogue in 1975, 47 years ago and later that year became Associate Rabbi of Hendon Reform Synagogue where he remained until the merger with Edgware and District Reform Synagogue in 2017.

Clearly, Rabbi Katz must have many stories to tell, and this is the chance to hear them in an informal setting at EHRS.

This will be an in person event with an online option.

Please book below
