Rosh Chodesh – 5 May 2022


Rosh Chodesh
Torah Study on Zoom

Rabbi Debbie welcomes everyone who would like to learn at this monthly group. Throughout 5782 (2021-22) our monthly Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) group is deepening their knowledge and engagement with Jewish rituals, ancient and new, sometimes a bit of both!

To register to stay updated on our monthly meetings please do so via our Together Groups page, click here.

Thursday 5 May
Iyyar – Moses Isserles, who is regarded as the definitive Halachic authority for Ashkenazi Jews, died during Iyyar in 1573, as did Isaac Alfasi, a leading rabbi from the Maghreb. So this month we will be exploring some of the classic ways Sephardi, Mizrachi and Ashkenzi rituals and customs differ, from blessing our daughters to Kitniot, and the hours between meat and milk!

Rabbi Debbie is joined by husband, Rabbi Gary Somers who follows a mixture of Iraqi and Spanish and Portuguese customs!

This session will only be on Zoom – please do not come to EHRS!