Rosh Chodesh – 22 June 2023


Rosh Chodesh
Torah Study on Zoom

A New Series for 5783: Sun and Moon – Both Give Light
For this new year of months, we will be inviting guests who might typically be seen to have opposing view points, and exploring how they hold space together despite their differences.

To register to stay updated on our monthly meetings please do so via our Together Groups page, click here.

Thursday 22 June, 20:00 on Zoom
Babylonian influence in Judaism. We know that Judaism has influenced at least two major modern religions, Christianity and Islam. To what extent was ancient Judaism influenced by the Babylonian culture and beliefs? We will also talk about special times in our lives when it feels like we are in a vast desert during hot summer. How do we cross the deserts of our lives? Join Rabbi Tanya and Gwen Morgan (a member of Yelala’s circle and minyan) for a conversation, discussion and a celebration.

Please email for Zoom details