The Rabbi Michael Leigh z’l Memorial Lecture 2022/5782


Thursday 19 May, 20:00 – 21:30
Can You Say ‘Human Rights’ in Jewish? With Rabbi Michael Marmur

Every year EHRS jointly hosts a lecture together with the Yitzchak Rabin B’nai Brith Lodge on the Yarzheit of our former Rabbi from 1963-1993, Michael Leigh z’l.

This year our lecturer is Rabbi Michael Marmur.

Jews have long been involved in declarations, conventions and organizations promoting human rights. But is it Jewish? Does Judaism in its various expressions speak of rights, or emphasise responsibilities? And what about Israel? Are human rights defended from within a Jewish framework, or outside it?

Rabbi Michael Marmur is Associate Professor of Jewish Theology at the Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem, having previously served as Dean in Jerusalem and Provost of the College-Institute. He serves as Chair of the Board for Rabbis for Human Rights. He will offer a way of thinking about these questions employing ancient texts and modern thought.

This evening will be best experienced in person, but will be viewable on Zoom, email for details.