Community Care

At EHRS we strive to support all our members to the best of our ability and resources. While joining with our members in happy occasions, we also recognise that difficult situations can affect all of us at some time in our lives and we aim to be a first port-of-call if that occurs. The wellbeing of our community is of paramount importance and we encourage our members to look out for the welfare of each other.
We employ a professional Community Care Practitioner, Val Joseph, who operates a confidential helpline with a dedicated telephone number and she is assisted by Marissa Rosenthal and anyone can call them and be assured of strict confidentiality. If they are not available when you call you can leave a message and they will call you back as soon as possible.
You can expect an impartial and non-judgemental approach from both Val and Marissa who offer practical and emotional support, advice and advocacy to members and their families. With strong community networks Community Care works in partnership with and makes referrals to the most appropriate care provider. We offer guidance, support and information on many aspects of social care, including care homes, supported living and community care. We aim to support people through life’s more challenging times – just a few examples of enquiries to Community Care are: divorce & separation, bereavement, illness and disability, children & teenagers, drugs & alcohol, mental health issues, dementia, sexuality, employment issues. Val would also love to hear from you if you are a carer, looking after a relative or friend. No problem nor enquiry is too small – everyone is important.
Val is also responsible for volunteer development within the Community Care support sphere and recruits, trains and supports these volunteers in their work. Where appropriate volunteers are police checked. Apart from active recruitment drives for new projects, Val is always happy to offer members with some spare time available the opportunity to talk to them informally about their volunteering options.
We are also proactive in our support of our members and offer a number of projects that benefit the community:
Please let us know if you or a family member or friend is unwell or in hospital. We can only help if we are aware of the situation – please do not assume we know.
Please do not hesitate to contact:
Val Joseph, EHRS Community Care Practitioner, direct line 020 8238 1013
Marissa Rosenthal, EHRS Community Care Assistant, direct line 0208 238 1015
or email
Join In
We have so many wonderful events, groups, and services on offer for the whole community, including our incredible Together Groups which bring people with similar interests together and help build relationships.
From birth to age 100+, we have something on offer for you.
So please roam our website and jump on in!