3rd Edgware Scout Group

Facebook: @3rdedgwarescouts
Instagram: @3rdedgwarescoutgroup
Cubs 8-10 ½ year olds – Thursdays 18:45-20:00 – cubs@third.org.uk
Scouts 10 ½ -14 year olds – Tuesdays 19:00-20:30 – scouts@third.org.uk

Beavers have taken part in Kahoot quizzes based on science, scouting and general knowledge, and also The Great Indoors Badge, a specially designed badge for the current lockdown situation which will never be available again after the lockdown ends. The badge requires activities to be done from home, such as a den building, physical garden exercise and creative building with nature found in garden.

Cubs have enjoyed a Drumming Workshop using pots and pans to create music on Zoom, and a Lego Workshop run by another scout leader building something that they found in the room The Cubs were also all given sunflower seeds at the beginning of lockdown and have been asked to measure to see whose sunflower will grow the biggest.

Scouts took part in Map Reading completing an orienteering challenge, leading them to different points in the woods to collect letters. Map reading skills and navigation came in handy, fortunately, the leader had taught the week before! They also enjoyed the Patrol Games, splitting into Patrols Eagles, Panthers and soon to be Tigers, the Scouts were assigned challenges and games to earn points.